Woking (pronounced as Woe-king) is located in the northwest of Surrey. It is a popular commuter town given Woking is at the edge of southwest of London. The fast train only takes 28 minutes into London Waterloo station.
Surrey is known to be one of the wealthier home counties and is located in the South East of England. Home counties are counties of England which surrounds London.
Guildford is a nearby large town which is 21 minutes away by car and 8 minutes by train from Woking. Some of the top primary and secondary schools (state and private) in the UK are in Guildford along with the University of Surrey. (Rank 59th in the UK 2020 from the Time Higher Education)
There is a community of Hong Kong people in Woking who have moved here in the 80s and 90s. On Saturday, children can go to St John’s Baptist Roman Catholic Comprehensive School for Chinese lessons (Cantonese, Mandarin, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese).
Woking(發音為Woe-king)位於薩里郡(Surrey)的西北部。由於Woking位於倫敦西南邊緣,所以是一個受歡迎的通勤城鎮。乘撘火車(快車) 僅需28分鐘即可到達倫敦滑鐵盧 (Waterloo) 火車站。
薩里郡(Surrey)位於英格蘭東南部。作為一個 home county, 薩里郡是一個較為富裕的郡。Home Counties 就是圍繞倫敦的外圍的郡。
Guildford是鄰近的大城鎮,距離Woking車程21分鐘,乘火車8分鐘。 英國一些頂級中小學 (公校和私校)和University of Surrey 都是在Guildford。2020年英國排名第59位(Time Higher Education)。
由80年代和90年代開始,已經有一班香港人移居到 Woking組成一個社區。逢星期六 ,小朋友可以去St John’s Baptist Roman Catholic Comprehensive School上中文班 (有廣東話,普通話,繁體中文和簡體中文學)。

Reference: https://www.cps.gov.uk/south-east

Transportations 交通

Some of the major London stations:
1 - London Victoria
2 - London Bridge
3 – London St Pancras International
4 – London Waterloo
5 – London Paddington
6 – London Euston
7 – London Liverpool Street
Train 火車
Woking – London Waterloo
South Western Railway:
28 minutes (fast train)
35 minutes (medium-fast train)
50 minutes (slow train)
Train Price 火車價錢 (September 2020)
Weekly Season Ticket 週票: £86
Monthly Season Ticket 月票: £330.30
Annual Season Ticket 年票: £3440

Car 揸車
Driving to Central London: 50 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes via M25 and M4 road (depends on traffic) 大概50分鐘至1小時20分鐘車程

Coach 旅遊巴士
Woking – Heathrow Airport
Coach stop: Woking (Train Station), Heathrow Airport (Central Bus Station)
National Express: 45 minutes – 1 hour
Price 車價: from £9 one way
Woking House Prices
Average House Price 平均房價 (2020):
Sale 買樓: can use the link below to consider 以下連結可作參考

£200,000 can buy 可以買到
Studio Apartment 私人套房
Flat 公寓 – 1 bedroom
£250,000 can buy 可以買到
Flat 公寓 – 1/2 bedrooms
Maisonette (公寓 - 兩層) - 1 bedrooms
£300,000 can buy 可以買到
Flat 公寓 – 1/2 bedrooms
Terraced Bungalow (一層) – 1 bedroom
Terrace House 排屋 – 1 bedroom
£350,000 can buy 可以買到
Flat 公寓 – 2/3 bedrooms
Terrace House 排屋 – 2/3 bedrooms
£400,000 can buy 可以買到
Flat 公寓 – 1/2 bedrooms
Terrace House 排屋 – 3 bedrooms
Semi-Detached House 半獨立屋 – 3 bedrooms
Detached House 獨立屋 – 3 bedrooms
£450,000 can buy 可以買到
Flat 公寓 – 2 bedrooms
Terrace House 排屋 – 3/4 bedrooms
Semi-Detached House 半獨立屋 – 2/3/4 bedrooms
Detached House 獨立屋 – 3 bedrooms
£500,000 can buy 可以買到
Flat 公寓 – 2 bedrooms
Terrace House 排屋 – 4 bedrooms
Town House – 3/4 bedrooms
Semi-Detached House 半獨立屋 – 3/4 bedrooms
Detached House 獨立屋 – /4 bedrooms
Healthcare 醫療
Hospitals 醫院
Woking Community Hospital
Heathside Road
GU22 7HS
NHS (Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) + Virgin Care (Private)
Cardiology 心臟科
Diabetic Medicine 糖尿病醫學
Dietetics 營養學
Gastrointestinal and Liver services 胃腸和肝臟服務
General Surgery 普通外科
Geriatric Medicine
Gynaecology 婦科
Neurology 神經病學
Obstetrics And Gynaecology 婦產科
Ophthalmology 眼科
Orthopaedics 骨科
Pain Management
Physiotherapy 物理治療
Rehabilitation 康復中心
Respiratory Medicine 呼吸內科
Vascular Surgery 血管外科
Woking Hospital Nuffield Health (Private) 私家醫院
Shores Road
GU21 4BY
St Peter’s Hospital - 大醫院
Guildford Road
KT16 0PZ
Accident & Emergency (A&E) 有急症室
From Woking by car – 11 minutes
由Woking揸車去醫院 需要11分鐘
Woking Walk-in Centre
Heathside Road
GU22 7HS
For urgent cases only
For emergency – A&E at hospital
No appointment is needed.
Just walk in and register at the reception and wait.
Nurse-led service: treatment for minor injuries and illnesses (e.g. have a cold , eyes is in pain)
Open Monday – Sunday: 8am-8pm
Useful especially during the weekend and after GP hours
僅適用於次緊急 (urgent) 情況
如果問題是緊急 (emergency) – 去醫院急症室
護士主導的服務:輕傷和輕疾病 (列如: 感冒,眼睛唔舒服)的治療
NHS Dental 牙醫
1. Bupa Dental Care, Woking
2. MacroCare Dental Health (High Street, Woking)
3. Goldsworth Road Dental Care
4. Smile For Life Dental Clinics
Make sure you call the dental practice and find out whether they take on NHS patients. Sometimes you might need to go further to find a practice such as in Knaphill, Byfleet and Addlestone.
Otherwise you will have to become a private patient.
有需要親自打電話去牙醫診所問他們會否接受NHS病人申請。有可能需要去遠一點 (Knaphill, Byfleet 和 Addlestone) 去看牙醫。否則你要成為私家病人。
Emergency 急症
St Peter’s Hospital - Chertsey
Royal Surrey County Hospital - Guildford
Total Orthodontics Woking
IQ Orthodontic Woking
Education 教育
Schools 學校 in Woking
Ofsted rating: List of schools’ ratings in Woking, Surrey
State Schools 政府資助學校 (公校)
Nursery/ Infant School 幼兒園/幼稚園 + Pre-school (Year 1 and 2) 小學 一年級 二年級
The Horsell Village School (Mixed)
Church Hill, Woking, GU21 4QQ
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (1) 評分:(1)優秀
Religious: None
Age: 4-7
The Knaphill Lower School (Mixed)
Chobham Road, Woking, GU21 2SX
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (1) 評分:(1)優秀
Religious: None
Age: 3-7
The Oaktree School (Mixed)
Gorsewood Road, Woking, GU21 8WT
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (1) 評分:(1)優秀
Religious: None 宗教:無
Age: 2-7
West Byfleet Infant School (Mixed)
Camphill Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6EF
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (1) 評分:(1)優秀
Religious: None 宗教:無
Age: 5-7
Primary School 小學
Goldsworth Primary School (Mixed)
Bridge Barn Lane, Woking, GU21 6NL
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (1) 評分:(1)優秀
Religious: None
Age: 2-11
Pyford Church of England Primary School (Mixed)
Coldharbour Road, Woking, GU22 8SP
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (1) 評分:(1)優秀
Religious: Church of England
Age: 2-11
St Dunstan’s Catholic Primary School, Woking (Mixed)
Onslow Crescent, Woking, GU22 7AX
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (1) 評分:(1)優秀
Religious: Roman Catholic
Age: 4-11
Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery (Mixed)
Almond Avenue, Woking, GU22 0BB
Ofsted Rating: Good (2) 評分:(2)良
Religious: None 宗教:無
Age: 2-11
Beaufort Primary School (Mixed)
Kirkland Avenue, Woking, GU21 3RG
Ofsted Rating: Good (2) 評分:(2)良
Religious: None 宗教:無
Age: 2-11
Broadmere Primary Academy (Mixed)
Devonshire Avenue, Woking, GU21 5QE
Ofsted Rating: Good (2) 評分:(2)良
Religious: None 宗教:無
Age: 2-11
Brookwood Primary School (Mixed)
Connaught Road, Woking, GU24 0HF
Ofsted Rating: Good (2) 評分:(2)良
Religious: None 宗教:無
Age: 4-11
Secondary School 中學
Comprehensive Schools綜合學校 - 學生不挑不揀不考試就可以入讀
Hoe Valley School (Mixed)
Egley Road, Woking, GU22 0NH
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (1) 評分:(1)優秀
Religious: None 宗教:無
Age: 11-18
St John’s Baptist Roman Catholic Comprehensive School, Woking (Mixed)
Elmbridge Lane, Woking, GU22 9AL
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (1) 評分:(1)優秀
Religious: Roman Catholic
Age: 11-18
The Bishop David Brown School (Mixed)
Albert Drive, Woking, GU21 5RF
Ofsted Rating: Good (2) 評分:(2)良
Religious: None 宗教:無
Age: 11-16
The Winston Churchill School (A Specialist Sport College) (Mixed)
Hermitage Road, Woking, GU21 8TL
Ofsted Rating: Good (2) 評分:(2)良
Religious: None 宗教:無
Age: 11-16
Woking High School (Mixed)
Morton Road, Woking, GU21 4TJ
Ofsted Rating: Good (2) 評分:(2)良
Religious: None 宗教:無
Age: 11-16
Special School 特殊學校
Freemantles School (Mixed)
Smart Heaths Road, Woking, GU22 0AN
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (1) 評分:(1)優秀
Religious: None 宗教:無
Age: 4-19
Independent School / Private School 私立學校 (收費)

Local Government 地方政府
Local County Government 郡政府:
Surrey County Council 薩里郡政府 - https://www.surreycc.gov.uk
Local District Government 區政府:
Woking Borough Council - https://www.woking.gov.uk
Refer to the document: Councils and MPs for further explanation
請參閱文檔: 地方議會和國會議員 以獲取更多解釋
Constituency 選區: Woking
Jonathan Lord MP – Conservative 保守黨 jonathan.lord.mp@parliament.uk

Mayor 市長 of the Borough: Beryl Hunwicks (Conservative 保守黨)

County Councillors 郡議員 - https://mycouncil.surreycc.gov.uk/mgMemberIndex.aspx?bcr=1
Woking: Ayesha Azad, Ben Carasco, Liz Bowes (All Conservatives) and Will Forster (Lib Dem)
Local Councillors 地方/區議員– represent for your local community and are elected
Woking Borough Councillors-
Woking's facilities ~ Woking的設施
Woking's Train Station

Woking Town Centre

Woking Shopping Mall
The Peacocks Centre

Wolsey Place

Woking Library
