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Welcome Hong Kongers to the UK! 


為了持續支援社區,我們很高興宣布將在英格蘭東南部舉辦一系列活動。為了保持及時資訊,我們誠意邀請您訂閱我們的網站。透過訂閱,您不僅可以獲得有價值的資訊,還能成為促進我們在英國成功融入社區的重要一員。感謝您考慮 HKBrits 作為您在這段旅程中的可靠夥伴。

如果有任何問題可以直接聯絡:, 或 在 "可解答任何問題!"在網頁的底部。

請訂閱(Subscribe)我們的網頁, 及在我們的 Facebook@hkbrits,Twitter@hk_brits 和 Instagram@hkbrits 上給一個贊(Like)/follow 來支持。

還可以加入我們 MeWe 的群組!

We are supporting the UK integration programme to bring together the local communities and new arrivals from Hong Kong.

In response to the political turbulence in Hong Kong, the UK government has introduced a citizenship pathway known as the British National Oversea (BNO) visa. This visa enables individuals with British National (Oversea) passports and their families to establish their homes in Britain. With a validity period of five years, the BNO visa grants Hong Kongers the right to work and study in the UK but cannot apply for public funds. 


There have been a total of 160,700 applications for the BN(O) visa since the launch in Jan 2021 up until Dec 2022.

Read more on "What is British National (Oversea) passport?"

Who are we?

We are a group of individual volunteers from diverse British and Hong Kong. Our team includes experienced individuals who have built their lives in the UK over an extended period. Fuelled by the passion to assist others in their settling process, we are eager to share our extensive knowledge and personal insights to facilitate a seamless transition.

In our ongoing commitment to support the community, we are pleased to announce a series of events in South East England. To ensure you stay informed and connected with our initiatives, we invite you to subscribe to our website. By subscribing, you not only gain access to valuable resources but also become an integral part of our dynamic community dedicated to fostering successful settlements in the UK. Thank you for considering HKBrits as your trusted partner on this journey.

We hope the information we provide on this platform will be useful!

Any questions please contact us at, or on "Ask us anything!" at the bottom of the page.

Please subscribe to our website, and give a like/follow to support us on




Also come and join our hkbrits group on MeWe!

英國新家鄉 Hkbrits 起源


英國新家鄉 HKBrits 於2020年6月成立,最初是一個「BN(O) 問答平台」。主要目標是協助香港BNO持有人及其家屬更容易地透過BNO簽證途徑在英國安頓。為滿足對全面資訊和支援不斷增長的需求,創辦人主動創建了HKBrits,這是一個雙語網站,提供英文和繁體中文內容,以更好地協助有需要的人。



HKBrits 意思是 "香港英國人" (Hong Kong British)


我們的中文名是 "英國新家鄉",因為我們歡迎和希望英國會成為你們新的家鄉。

Hkbrits Origin


HKBrits originated in June 2020 as a dedicated "British National Overseas (BNO) Question and Answer Platform." The primary objective was to facilitate the integration of Hong Kong BN(O)s and their dependents into the UK, particularly through the BNO visa route. Recognising an increasing demand for comprehensive information and support, the co-founders took the initiative to establish HKBrits as a bilingual website, offering content in both English and Traditional Chinese, to better assist those in need.

HKBrits, short for Hong Kong British, signifies our commitment to providing a bridge between Hong Kongers and the British community. Our evolution from a Q&A platform to a bilingual resource hub highlights our dedication to providing a holistic support system for those settling in the UK.


In Traditional Chinese, we are known as 英國新家鄉 (Cantonese: Ying Kwok Sun Ka Heung) as we welcome and hope Britain will become your new home.  

Meet The Team

HK Brits 的團隊



Kim 是 Hkbrits 的義工,希望幫助新來香港 BNO 朋友及其家屬

Kim 從事市場推廣的工作,最近從香港移居到英國。




Kim is a volunteer for Hkbrits and hopes to help Hong Kong BNOs and their families to settle in the UK.

Kim is working in Marketing and has recently moved to the UK from Hong Kong.

Knowledge of the UK:

education and property market

Shaved Head


義工 Volunteer


 Grace 來自金融業





Grace is from the Finance sector and has lived in the UK for many years

Knowledge of the UK:

property market, banking and education

Headshot Portrait


義工  Volunteer

Jamie 是一名香港的 BNO 持有人,目前是英國的大學生



Jamie is a BNO holder from HK and is a current UK university student

Hobbies: football and photography

Our Team
Image by Sonnie Hiles


Hkbrits 的聯合創辦人,最初成立BNO問答平台,為計劃在英國定居的 BNO朋友及其家屬提供一些在英國基本的資訊。






Sunny is a co-founder of Hkbrits and initially started the BNO Q&A Platform to provide some essential information for BNOs and their family who are planning to settle in the UK.


Sunny is a BNO who have studied and now working in the UK for many years.


Knowledge of the UK:

visa application and education

Hobbies: Hockey

Image by Jason Moyer


Alex 是 Hkbrits 的聯合創辦人。






Alex is one of the co-founder of Hkbrits.

A Hong Kong born British Citizen eager to help Hong Kongers to integrate and settle in the UK.

Knowledge of the UK:

education-state school

Hobbies: Travel, sports, music

ava pic.jpg


Ava 是 Hkbrits 的聯合創辦人。






Ava is a co-founder of Hkbrits.

A British Citizen who have worked in the UK for many years.

Knowledge of the UK:

property market and government 

Hobbies: Travel

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