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英格蘭插班生 School in-year admission in England

許多 BNO 的孩子可能屬於此類。

Many BNOs' children may fall into this category.


We have included few examples of some successful in-year application in England for reference.

將會移民到英國的14至19歲香港學生,請參閱我們 '英國插班生的尷尬年齡' 的文章。

For those 14 to 19 year-old HK students who will immigrate to the UK, please read our post on 'Awkward age of in-year admission'.

  • 不同的市政府 (council)會有不同的申請程序。

  • 有些地區需要家長向心儀學校所屬的市政府 (council) 提出申請。他們可能會告訴你哪些學校還有名額,以及如何申請

  • 有些學校只能直接同學校申請,不需經 Council,但有些學校必需經 Council

你可以在開學前的 30日 (學校工作天) 內提交插班生入學申請。如孩子4週前還未移居英國,市政府 (council) 不會考慮申請表格。

通常,Council 會根據孩子合適年齡來分配班別。在特殊情況下,你的孩子可能準許插入高一班或低一班


  • Different councils will have different application processes.

  • Some councils will need you to apply to the local authority which the new school is located. They may tell you which schools still have places and how to apply.

  • Some schools only accept direct applications, while some only accept applications through councils.

You can submit an application for a school place up to 30 school days before the intended start date. In-year applications will not be considered any earlier than 4 weeks before an anticipated move to the UK. This is because places cannot be reserved for children who are not ready to take up their place at a school.

Usually, the council will admit your children to the year group appropriate to their date of birth. In exceptional circumstances, your child may be able to start school a year earlier or later.

Coming from an educational system abroad, or a child who does not speak English as their first language, will not normally be considered as an exceptional circumstance. Support is available in all schools within the correct year group for these children.


請勿向你的 Council 提出以下申請:

Sixth Form (Year 12/13) 的

  • 如果你要插班入 Sixth Form(12/13 年級),請直接學校申請。

  • 學校將為你的孩子安排一個簡單的面試 Sixth Form 主任,通常會和你孩子討論 GCSE 成績,他們想修讀的科目以及原因。


  • 如果你要插班入私立學校,請直接學校申請。

  • 私立學校可能會為你的孩子在入學前做一個小測驗。

Do not apply to your council for:

A school place at Sixth Form (Year 12/13)

  • Please apply to the school directly if you're in-year transfer to Sixth Form ( Year 12/13 )

  • The school will arrange a simple interview for your child, which normally discuss about your child's GCSE grades, which subjects they want to study and why.

An independent school place

  • Please apply to the school directly if you are applying for a private school place. The private school may give a small test for your child to undertake before admission.


Catchment Area


你可以查閱以下的網站,以了解有關當地學校的 catchment areas、Ofsted 和 家長的評語

Most schools base their over-subscription criteria on catchment area, the allocation will be based on the distance of residence. Each schools will have their own oversubscription criteria to determine which child has the highest priority and should be offered the place, so please do your own research on your school.

You can visit the website below to get an idea about catchment area, Ofsted and parents' reviews.


When will you find out if you have an offer?


不同地區 Council 的等待時間都可能會有些出入,他們會給你一個估計通知日期(通常大約兩至四星期)。由於疫症的關係,等待時間可能更長,所以請耐心等候 不要心急!

如果估計日期已過,而你仍未收到 Council 的消息,則可以有禮貌地致電或 email 給 Council 或學校,以查詢你申請的進展 (是否在 waiting list 等等)。


(聖誕節,復活節,暑假,half terms,inset days 教師培訓日




The waiting period will vary between council and they will give you an estimated date/period, normally around 2-4 weeks. The waiting time could be longer due to the pandemic, so please wait patiently!

If the estimated date/period has passed and you still have not heard from the council, you can politely call or email the council or the school to enquire on your application progress.


Please be aware that applications cannot be processed during school holiday periods. (Christmas, Easter, summer, half terms, inset days)


During pandemic

It took around 1-2 months



The application process for an in-year admission

每個地區的 Council 有不同的申請程序。


The application process will vary between different council. Here are some examples for guidance only.

Example 1:



在赫特福德郡 (Herfordshire) ,你最多可以列出四間學校。如果有空位,他們會為你提供你最高優先的學校。但是不能保證你的孩子可以去首選的學校。

  • 研究每間學校, 以幫助你為孩子選擇正確的學校

  • 如果你要尋找托兒所,請直接與學校聯繫。

In Hertfordshire, you can list up to 4 school preferences. If places are available, they’ll offer you the highest preference possible. There is no guarantee that your preferred school will be available for your child.

  • Research schools to help you make the right school preferences for your child

  • Contact the school direct if you’re looking for a nursery.

赫特福德郡 (Hertfordshire) 的插班生入學申請分四個步驟:

1) 創建一個帳戶

2) 登錄併申請新的學校名額

  • 你最多可以列出4間赫特福德郡 (Hertfordshire) 學校

  • 你需要直接向某些學校申請

3) 將你的住址證明附加到的申請中

  • 需要提供兩樣文件,顯示你以及你孩子的英國目前地址或新地址。(英國的差餉, 水電費單,律師在完成或簽署租賃協議時的信)

4) 檢查學校是否需要其他信息

他們會在2-3週內通知你是否成功。 然後,你需要接受或拒絕他提供的學位。

There are 4 steps with the application for in-year admission in Hertfordshire:

1) Create an account

2) Login and apply for a new school place

  • You can list up to 4 Hertfordshire schools

  • You need to apply direct to some schools

3) Attach your proof address to your application

  • You will need to provide 2 documents showing yours and your child’s current or new address. (Council tax bill, utility bill, solicitor’s letter upon completion or signed tenancy agreement).

4) Check if the school needs extra information

They’ll let you know if you’re successful within 2-3 weeks. Then you need to accept or decline any place offered.

Example 2:

例子 2:



There are two types of in-year admission in Surrey

CMA - Apply through council

CMA - 必需經 Council

  • For community and voluntary controlled schools

  • You can choose up to 3 schools

SMA - Apply directly to school

SMA - 直接同學校申請

  • For academies, foundation, free, trust and voluntary aided schools

可以使用以下的連結來查看哪些學校使用 SMA和CMA

You can check which schools uses SMA and CMA with the following links

中學名單 A list of secondary schools

Example 3:

例子 3:


你需要向 Warrington Council 申請該地區的所有公立學校,除了 King's Leadership Academy不是 Council 處理

在 Warrington,你最多可以列出 3 間 Warrington 學校。如果有空位,他們會為你提供你最高優先的學校。但是不能保證你的孩子可以去首選的學校。

  1. 填寫插班生申請表(第1至6 section),並包括任何證明,例如住址證明

  2. 通過電子郵件或郵寄給 Council 的招生部門

  3. 你的申請通常會在十個工作日內得到回覆,但是某些申請可能需要更長的時間才能處理

You will need to apply with the Warrington council for all state schools in this area, except King's Leadership Academy which is not dealt with by the Council.

In Warrington, you can list up to 3 school preferences. If places are available, they’ll offer you the highest preference possible. There is no guarantee that your preferred school will be available for your child.

  1. Complete the in-year transfer application form (section 1 to 6) and include any evdience e.g. proof of address

  2. Email or post to the council school admissions department

  3. Your application will normally be processed within 10 school days, however, some applications may take longer to process.



Real example:



Secondary school

  • 一名14歲學生於2020年9月與家人一起來到英國

  • 同時用 SMA 和 CMA

  • 用 SMA 申請了幾間學校,但多數學校等候名單很長

  • 用 CMA 與 Council 申請了兩間學校(首選在等候名單中,而第二選擇有位)

  • 由於 COVID-19,她等了2個月左右才上學

  • a 14 years old student came to the UK in September 2020 with her family

  • applied both SMA and CMA

  • SMA - applied to few schools but most has a long waiting list

  • CMA - chosen 2 schools (first choice was on waiting list and second choice has a place)

  • due to COVID-19, she waited around 2 month for a school place


Primary school

  • 一位學生申請小四學位

  • 她只通過 CMA 申請

  • 在步行距離之內挑選了幾間學校

  • Council 給了她一個學位,因為其中一間學校有空間

  • 由於COVID-19,她等了1個月左右才上學

  • a student applied for a Year 4 primary school place

  • she only applied through CMA

  • picked few schools within walking distance

  • the Council gave her a school place given there was a space in one of the school

  • due to COVID-19, she waited around 1 month for a school place



Secondary school

  • 一位學生於2020年12月申請了 Year 7 中學學位

  • 2020年聖誕節前幾天向 Warrington Council 提交了申請表

  • 由於 lockdown 和聖誕節假期,他們在 2021年1月底才收到入學通知,並派得心儀學校

  • a student applied for a Year 7 secondary school place in Dec 2020

  • submitted the in-year transfer application form to Warrington Council few days before Christmas 2020

  • due to lockdown and Christmas holiday, they received their first preference school place by end of Jan 2021



  • 不要完全信任 Ofsted 報告

  • 可以申請前直接與學校聯絡(某些學校可能會告訴你他們是否有學位)

  • 需要有耐性來等候派位

  • 可以有禮貌地詢問派位進度

  • Don't trust Ofsted report completely

  • Contact the school directly before applying (some schools may tell you whether they have places)

  • Needs to be patient to wait for a school place

  • You can ask politely for any enquires about the progress of application

將會移民到英國的14至19歲香港學生,請參閱我們 '英國插班生的尷尬年齡' 的文章。

For those 14 to 19 years old HK students who will immigrate to the UK, please read our post on 'Awkward age of in-year admission'.


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