On Wednesday 22nd July 2020, Home Secretary Priti Patel has announced a new immigration route specifically for BNOs to apply for a visa to settle in the UK.
2020年7月22日,內政大臣Priti Patel宣布了BNO 簽證。這是專門為BNO來英國定居而設的新政策。
Application starts on January 2021
Open for Hong Kong BNO citizens and their close family members
Can apply both inside and outside the UK
Can apply to enter or remain in the UK
Initial period of 30 months and extendable by a further 30 months
Or a single period of 5 years
✔ Work ~ 工作
✔ Study ~ 讀書
Schooling for under 18 child dependants
Education and training for young people aged 16-19
The ability to apply for higher education courses (need further details and clarification on whether student loan and local student fee are available)
返學 - 18歲以下的子女
教育和培訓- 16-19歲年青人
申請高等教育課程 - 大學 ( Home Office 有需要發佈更多細節 - 是否可以申請學生資助和繳付本地學生學費)
✘ Access public funds (e.g. social welfare benefits: Universal Credit etc)
✘ 不可以領取社會福利 (例如社會福利:綜合社會保障援助,失業救濟等)
Becoming a British Citizen (5+1 years)
成為英國公民(5 + 1 年)
• Live in UK for 5 years with the BNO visa
• Apply for indefinite leave to remain (ILR) status
• After 12 months (1 year) then can apply British Citizenship (BC)
• 憑BNO簽證在英國居住5年
• 申請無限期居留 indefinite leave to remain(ILR)身份
• 12個月(1年)後,可以申請成為英國公民(BC)
Eligibility for the BNO visa route
• Have BNO status ~ 擁有BNO身份
no need valid BNO passports or request a new passport if it’s expired or lost
Just need to show you have this status (with old BNO passport)
過期BNO 護照 或丟失的BNO 護照 ( 副本) 都可以
• Normally live in Hong Kong ~ 通常住在香港
Show HKID card
Hong Kong Bank statement, utility bill, ground rent
• Can accommodate and support yourself financially in the UK for at least 6 months
• Evidence of your relationship with your dependents
例如結婚證書、小朋友出世紙 等等
未婚伴侶:證明已經一齊至少生活了2年 (以類似己婚關係或己婚的同性伴侶關係)
e.g. marriage certificate, child birth certificate, etc.
Unmarried partner: show you’ve been living together in a relationship similar to a marriage or civil partnership for at least 2 years
• Show a commitment to learn English, where appropriate ~
承諾學習英語 (在適當的時候)
This might be - Demonstrate you can speak and read English either with education certificate, studied in an English-speaking language country, worked in a company which you have used English.
顯示證明 - 有可能是:
o 畢業證書
o 在英語國家返學
• Pay a fee and the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) ~
支付 Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS)
From October 2020 – IHS will cost £624 per year = £3120 for 5 years
Children – discounted rate at £470 per year = £2350 for 5 years
從2020年10月開始 - IHS費用估計每年為 £624 (£623 x 5年= £3120)
小童 - 每年為£470 (優惠價) (£470 x 5年= £2350)
• Get a tuberculosis (TB) test certificate from a clinic approved by the Home Office ~
肺結核病(TB)測試證書 – (要用內政部 Home Office 指定診所)
If you have lived in the UK or countries which are not required TB test for at least 6 months then NO TB test is required
如果您已留在英國或其他國家 (無需要肺結核病測試) 已經有至少6個月 = 你無需要進行肺結核病測試
Hong Kong is a country which requires TB test
英國政府網站上列出 5 間香港指定診所:
Clinics are listed in the UK government website:
If you've been living in one of these countries for the past 6 months, you will also need to provide a TB certificate.
Please read our “BNO visa” post to get the last update on where to get TB test inside the UK.

Entering in the UK before Hong Kong BNO visa is available (Before January 2021)
可以申請BNO簽證前己經進入英國 (2021年1月之前)?
May be able to consider granting ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ (LOTR) for 6 months by Border Force Officer at the UK border upon arrival
Both you and your accompanying dependents
抵達英國邊境時, 入境事務主任有可能會考慮給你6個月的 ‘Leave Outside the Rule’(LOTR) 身份
To be considered, you need to show the following:
Your identity
Your BNO status (valid BNO passport / expired BNO passport / copy of your BNO passport)
That you normally live in Hong Kong (HKID card, Hong Kong Bank statement, Hong Kong utility bills/ ground rent)
Can accommodate support yourself financially in the UK
您的BNO身份(有效的BNO護照/ 已過期BNO護照/ BNO護照副本)
Non-BNO dependant’s family links to you:
• Spouse or civil partner ~ 配偶或己結婚的同性伴侶
need to marriage or civil partnership certificate
證明: 結婚證書
• Unmarried partner ~ 未婚伴侶
need to show you’ve been living together in a relationship similar to a marriage or civil partnership for at least 2 years
證明: 已經一齊至少生活了2年 (以類似己婚關係或己婚的同性伴侶關係)
• Child (under the age of 18 when they first applied) ~ 子女 (首次申請時未滿18歲)
Show evidence that you are their parent, adopted parent or guardian:
▪ Full birth certificate
▪ Adoption certificate
▪ A court order – such as a special guardianship order
▪ 出世紙
▪ 領養證書
▪ 法院命令 – e.g. 特別監護權
• Other family members where they can show there is a high level of dependency ~
其他家庭成員 (需要受到你撫養的家屬或子女)
Show evidence of your dependant’s relationship to you
* 18-23 years old children of BNOs with HKSAR passports – e.g. birth certificate
* Parents of BNOs with HKSAR passports – e.g. birth certificate
* BNO的子女 -18-23歲 (持有香港特區護照) – e.g. 證明: 出世紙
*BNO的父母 (持有香港特區護照) – e.g. 證明: 出世紙
Identity of BNO citizen status
• Proof of identity - Need a valid passport ~ 身份證明 - 護照
Can be a valid or expired BNO passport
If you don’t have a BNO passport – Home Office may be able to look at records to check your status
如果您沒有BNO護照 - 內政部 Home Office可以查看記錄以證明您的BNO身份
Evidence to show you are a Hong Kong residence
To be eligible for ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ – must be usually live in Hong Kong
要獲得 Leave Outside the Rule’(LOTR) 身份 - 需要通常住在香港
Evidence of residence:
Hong Kong ID card
A letter from an employer or education provider confirming your employment or study in Hong Kong
A Hong Kong medical card
A voter’s card
A visa or residence permit or immigration documents
An educational record – e.g. school report
A letter from the local council or a government department in Hong Kong
Tax records
Records of mortgage payments
The list of evidence is not exhaustive. Home Office may consider other forms of evidence on a case-by-case basis.
教育記錄 – e.g. 學校成績表
以上的清單並不詳盡。 Home Office根據每件案件可能會接受其他形式的證據。
What evidence you should show that you can accommodate and support yourself financially?
Need to prove yourself and your dependants can provide accommodation and financial support for at least 6 months
Bank Statements that show savings
Evidence of regular income while in the UK – e.g. salary, investment or pension payments
Investment details
Receipt of educational grants from overseas
An offer of employment in UK
Income of a partner, spouse or other family member to which you have access – e.g. parental funding or a spouse’s salary earned through lawful working in the UK
An offer of accommodation from family or friends
The list of evidence is not exhaustive. Home Office may consider other forms of evidence on a case-by-case basis.
在英國的定期收入證明: e.g. 收入 ,投資,退休金
讀書資助基金 (海外)
伴侶,配偶或其他家庭成員的收入: e.g. 父母資助或配偶的收入 (在英國合法工作)
以上的清單並不詳盡。 Home Office根據每件案件可能會接受其他形式的證據。
Leave Outside the Rules (LOTR)
You and your dependants
✔ Work ~ 工作
✔ Study ~ 讀書
✘ Get public funds ~ 不可以領取社會福利
✘ USE THE NHS FOR FREE (EXCEPT FOR FREE SERVICES – E.G. A&E, GP, COVID-19 TEST, NHS 111) ~ 免費用NHS (除了免費醫療服務 – e.g. 急症室, 普通科/家庭醫生, COVID-19測試, NHS 111)
Further details of the free services:

Visa Policy Statement on BNO visa from the Home Secretary
內政大臣 Home Secretary 發出關於BNO簽證的政策聲明
Some Key Points:
Specifically, the Home Secretary has mentioned the 18-23 years old age group (non-BNO, HKSAR passport).
For those 18-23 years old who have BNO parent and can show they are still dependent on the BNO, they are counted as dependants for the BNO visa and can come to the UK with their BNO parent/s.
If the above, don’t apply to you:
Apply for the youth mobility scheme (Tier 5 visa) – open to people in Hong Kong (HKSAR passport) between 18-30 and 1000 places available each year
Can also apply to come to the UK in terms of the UK’s New Point Based System to work starting from 2021 (Tier 2 visa)
Have a wide range of professional and a lower general salary threshold (£25,600) than before (£30,000)
可以申請 Youth Mobility Scheme (working holiday)(Tier 5 visa)
o 每年有1000個名額
o 18至30歲 香港特區護照持有人
還可以根據英國在2021年開始的計分計劃申請來英國工作(Tier 2 visa)
有不同的專業,工資門檻為 £25,600英鎊 比以前低(£30,000)
English requirement:
Demonstrate a commitment to learn English in the UK – where appropriate
On entry – no English language requirement
But will require a good knowledge of the English language if choose later to make an application for settled status (indefinite leave to remain, ILR) after 5 years
入黎英國時 - 不需要英語證明
但是如果在5年後選擇申請 ILR - 則需要具備良好的英語知識
Tailor-made visa route – Hong Kong BNO visa
專門為BNO定制的簽證–Hong Kong BNO簽證
Timing of introduction of the visa
Autumn – with an associated fees order
Open applications from BNO citizens from January 2021
BNO citizens do not need to hold a BNO passport in order to do so if they have another valid passport that allows visa-free travel to the UK (HKSAR passport)
No need to apply for or renew a BNO passport specifically for the purpose of applying for the new BNO visa
秋天–有相關的費用 (visa, IHS)
為了申請BNO簽證,無需要特別申請新的BNO護照 (如果已過期或遺失)
Application journey:
申請BNO 簽證流程:

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