最新消息 Latest update on 23/12/2020
由 2021年1月31日開始,BNO 簽證會開始接受申請。
Hong Kong BNO visa applications will start from 31 January 2021.

Have the following rights in the UK:
✔ Live 居留
✔ Work 工作
✔ Study 讀書
申請 BNO簽證的資格
Eligibility of the BNO visa :
及其受撫養家屬 (通常住在香港)
BNO status passport holder
Their family dependents (provided usually resident in Hong Kong)
家屬: (23/12/2020 更新)
成年子女 (1997年7月1日出生或之後)和其配偶/伴侶或其子女 (孫- 18歲以下) 救三代! 需要通常和你一起住
Family dependents: (Updated on 23/12/2020)
Unmarried Partner
Child under 18 when first applied
Adult child born on or after 1 July 1997 (and their partner or child under the age of 18) who normally lives with you
Other family members (parent, grandparent, brother, sister, son or daughter) where they can show there is a high level of dependency who normally live with you
➠ Children under 18 must intend to live with their parents during their stay in the UK, unless there is a good reason why they cannot live together.
BNO visa has no quota numbers and provide a clear pathway to be granted British citizenship (BC).
其他需要受到你高度依賴家庭成員的定義 (父母、祖父母、兄弟、姐妹、兒子或女兒)
Definition of other family members with high level of dependency (parent(s), grandparent(s), brother(s), sister(s), son(s) or daughter(s))

Reference: Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules, page 495, 22 Oct 2020,
Fee 費用:
Visa 簽證
5年簽證 = 每人 £250
簽證為30個月= 每人 £180 (之後可以再延長多30個月 )
* 比起其他簽證渠道更便宜 (學生Tier 4 £348、工作 Tier 2: £610、家庭簽證: £1523 在英國外申請/ £1033 在英國內申請)
£250 per person for 5 years
£180 per person for 30 months visa then renew for another 30 months
* Lower than other visa routes (Student Tier 4: £348, Work Tier 2: £610, Family Visa: £1523 outside UK/ £1033 inside UK)
Immigration Health Surcharge (for NHS) 醫療
成人 每年 £624
總共5年: £624 x 5 = £3120
小童 每年 £470 (優惠價)
總共5年: £470 x 5= £2350
Adult: £624 per year
Total for 5 years £624 x 5 = £3120
Child: £470 per year (discounted)
Total for 5 years £470 x 5 = £2350
BNO visa applicant must show they can support themselves and their dependants financially for at least 6 months in the UK.
A valid BNO passport is not required to apply for the BNO visa and can still use HKSAR passport for the application.
Tuberculosis (TB) certificate
從英國境外申請 (例如香港)
Applying from outside the UK (e.g. Hong Kong)
你的測試必須來自 Home Office 指定的診所。
You must be tested for tuberculosis if you are coming to the UK for more than 6 months and are a resident of Hong Kong.
Your test must be from a clinic approved by the Home Office.
英國政府網站上列出 5 間香港指定診所:
Clinics are listed in the UK government website:
If you've been living in one of these countries for the past 6 months, you will also need to provide a TB certificate.
Applying from inside the UK
Tuberculosis Testing inside the UK
你正在申請 BNO 簽證
你上次進入英國時未提供結核病測試證書,因為你申請的簽證期限為6個月或更短,或者你是落地簽證 (例如 LOTR 或 旅遊簽證)
You must be tested for tuberculosis if all of the following apply:
you’re in the UK
you’re applying for the Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa
you did not provide a TB test certificate when you last entered the UK, because the duration of the visa you applied for was 6 months or less or you applied to enter the UK at the border (for example, LOTR or tourist visa)
There are currently 8 approved test clinics in the UK:
倫敦 London
Knightsbridge Doctors
Website: www.knightsbridge-doctors.com
Test fees: Adults £200, Children (11 - 18) £175, Children (under 11) £75
倫敦 London
Visa Medicals
Website: www.visamedicals.co.uk
Email: bookings@visamedicals.co.uk
Test fees: Adults £200, Children (under 11) £75
伯明翰 Birmingham
Modality Immigration Services
Email: imm.meds@nhs.net
Test fees: Adults £195, Children £115
曼徹斯特 Manchester:
Northern Visa Medicals
Website: www.northernvisamedicals.co.uk
Test fees: Adults £210, Children (under 11) £85
德文郡 Devon
Nuffield Hospital Plymouth
Test fees: Adults £235, Children (under 11) £80
伯克郡 Berkshire
The Bridge Clinic
Website: www.bridge-clinic.com
Email: admin@bridge-clinic.com
Test fees: Adults £195, Children (0-10) £100
蘇格蘭 Scotland
Bryden Medical Limited
Website: www.edinburghclinic.com
Email: bookings@edinburghclinic.com
Test fees: £210
蘇格蘭 Scotland
The Edinburgh Clinic
Website: www.brydenmedical.com
Email: admin@brydenmedical.com
Test fees: £200
All addresses are in the link below:
BNO 簽證可能需要的文件
Documents you may require for BNO visa
親屬關係的證明 (例如結婚證書、小朋友出世紙 等等)
未婚伴侶:證明已經一齊至少生活了2年 (以類似己婚關係或己婚的同性伴侶關係)
IHS 費用
Residency requirements: Proof of address in HK or UK, HKID card
Finance: evidence to show you can support yourself and your family members for at least 6 months in the UK (e.g. bank statements)
Evidence of your relationship with your dependents (e.g. marriage certificate, child birth certificate, etc.)
Unmarried partner: show you’ve been living together in a relationship similar to a marriage or civil partnership for at least 2 years
Tuberculosis certificate
BNO visa Fee
Immigration Health Surcharge Fee
All documents must be in English.
More information will be on the application form available from 31st Jan 2021
How to apply
BNO 的主要申請人應該首先申請,然後獲取一個 reference number
任何申請的家庭成員都需要在其申請表中加入此 reference number
If you’re applying as a family unit, you must apply together.
The main applicant who is a BN(O) should apply first and get their unique reference number.
Any family members applying will need to quote this unique reference number in their applications.
Children under 18 should apply with both of their parents, although there are some exceptions.
➠ Children under 18 must intend to live with their parents during their stay in the UK, unless there is a good reason why they cannot live together.
如果你家庭成員不同你一起申請 BNO簽證,他們將無法申請後加。
If your family members do not apply with you, they will not be able to apply for the Hong Kong BN(O) visa to join you later.
如果你或你家庭成員前後腳到英國,則可能並非所有成員都同時有資格申請 ILR,並且可能需要進一步申請延長直到規定的5年期限。
If you or your family members travel at different times to the UK, you may not all qualify to settle in the UK at the same time and may have to make further applications for permission to stay in the UK to meet the 5 years required.
Indefinite leave to remain (ILR)
在英國居住5年後,你可以申請 ILR
如果你已經在英國度過了一段定居之路(例如Tier 2 工作簽證),那麼這段時間將計入5年。
Tier 4 學生簽證 和 Tier 5 工作假期 不是定居途徑,因此不會計入5年期。
Once you have lived in the UK for 5 years you can apply for ILR.
If you’ve already spent time in the UK on a route to settlement (e.g. Tier 2 work visa), this time will count towards the 5 years.
Tier 4 and Tier 5 are not routes to settlement, therefore will not count towards the 5 years.
申請 ILR 時,你需要:
支付申請 ILR 費用
BNO 簽證是一條逃生的渠道,離開英國的日子不要算得太盡。
When apply for ILR, you will need to:
meet the English language requirements
pass the Life in the UK Test (£50)
have spent no more than 180 days outside the UK in any 12 months in the previous 5 years
pay a fee to apply for settlement
18歲以下子女及成年受撫養的家庭成員只可以在主要BNO申請人正在申請 ILR、或者已經獲得 ILR、或者已經是英國公民,才能申請 ILR 定居。
Children under 18 and dependent adult family members can only apply for settlement if the main BNO applicant is applying for settlement at the same time, or has already been granted settlement, or is already a British citizen.
但是 However, in the Statement of Changes in the Immigration Rules page 498

需要父母雙方正在申請 ILR、或者已經獲得 ILR、或者已經是英國公民,18歲以下子女才能申請 ILR 定居。
ILR application fees (Jan 2021)
British citizenship
You will be able to apply for citizenship once you’ve been settled in the UK for 12 months. You’ll need to pay a fee to apply for citizenship.
在你發出申請表給 Home Office 之前,證明你已經在英國居住了5年
You must also:
be over 18 (please read below if your child is under 18)
prove you were in the UK exactly 5 years before the day the Home Office receives your application
intend to continue living in the UK
be of good character - read the naturalisation guidance
Time you’ve spent outside the UK
在申請公民之前的5年中,在英國境外度過 450日以上 ( = 每年不能超過90日)
在過去的12個月裡在英國以外度過 90日以上
✘ You should not have:
spent more than 450 days outside the UK during the 5 years before your application
spent more than 90 days outside the UK in the last 12 months
broken any UK immigration laws (for example living illegally in the UK)
Citizenship fees
The application costs (Dec 2020):
你還必須支付 £19.20 來獲取 biometric information(指紋和照片)。
You must also pay £19.20 to have your biometric information (fingerprints and a photo) taken.
If your appplication is successful,
費用 £80 (2021年1月)
You will need attend a citizenship ceremony
It costs £80 (Jan 2021)
During the ceremony:
You’ll have to make an oath of allegiance and a pledge. This means you promise to respect the rights, freedoms and laws of the UK.
they will give you a certificate of British citizenship and a welcome pack
Once you have obtained your citizenship certificate
你必須在獲得英國國籍證書後的5個工作日內將 BRP send 回 Home Office
你可以申請第一本英國護照! 費用為 £75.50 或 £85 https://www.gov.uk/apply-first-adult-passport
You must send your biometric residence permit (BRP) back to the Home Office within 5 working days of getting your certificate of British citizenship.
You can apply for your first British passport! It costs £75.50 or £85 https://www.gov.uk/apply-first-adult-passport
Apply for your children
You must apply separately for your children.
The application costs:
You must also pay £80 for your child’s citizenship ceremony if they turn 18 during the application process.
Guidance to apply for your children: