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普通中等教育證書 ( GCSE ) 是英國的會考,大部分在英格蘭及威爾斯的學校會在 Year 9 選科,並在 Year 10 至 Year 11 (14-16 歲) 修讀及考試。有一些學校會從 Year 9 開始修讀 GCSE。北愛爾蘭的 GCSE 課程會在 Year 11 至 Year 12 (14-16 歲) 修讀及考試。

GCSE 是英國一個最重要的公開試,會影響到入讀 Sixth form (A-level) 或大學 甚至你將來的就業!英國的學生必須考 GCSE,多數大學課程以及許多僱主都會要求應徵者有至少5科取得 grade 4 或 grade C 以上的 GCSE。

本文將為你或你的孩子了解英國 GCSE 的學制及提供一些建議,例如 何時及如何報考中文GCSE試 ( 廣東話 及 繁體字 )等等

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is a compulsory qualification taken by Year 10 and Year 11 (14 – 16 year olds) students in England and Wales, some schools starts the material at Year 9. The students will be able to choose their GCSE subjects they want to study in Year 9 or some schools in Year 8. GCSE qualification in Northern Ireland is taken in Year 11 and Year 12 (14-16 year old).

GCSE is one of the most important examination as it may affect your choice at A-level or university or even your career! Most university courses and many employers will require candidates to have at least 5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above.

This article will provide a general guidance and advice for you or your child who will be studying GCSE in the UK. For example, when and how should your child take on the Traditional Chinese and Cantonese GCSE exam.



How many GCSEs should you take?

通常,英國的學生將在2年的時間裡選修 9至10科目。

一些私立學校可提供 GCSE 的精讀課程,學生會在一年內修讀及考 5 科目。

Normally, students in the UK would take around 9 to 10 subjects for over a period of 2 years.

Some private schools provides an intensive GCSE course, which allows students to take 5 subjects in one year.



  • 數學

  • 英文 (English Language 和 English Literature)

  • 理科 - 可分為 3 科獨立的理科(Triple Award:生物學化學和物理),或兩科綜合理科(Double Award:將涵蓋 3科學,但最後包括兩個 GCSE)。

  • 威爾斯語 (Welsh) - 僅在威爾斯

多數學校的每科會有不同程度的組別,學校會按照你的能力來分班,由高 (top set) 至 低 (lower set)。通常高班會修讀 Triple Award 的理科。


Compulsory core subjects

  • Maths

  • English (English Language and English Literature)

  • Science – some may split into 3 separate sciences (Triple Award: Biology, Chemistry and Physics), or into 2 combined science (Double Award: will cover 3 sciences combined but two GCSEs at the end).

  • Welsh (only in Wales)

Most schools will have different sets for each subjects, this means students are placed into different classes according to their abilities. Usually, the top sets will take on triple award.

You should check with your school as different school will have different rules.


GCSE 數學和理科

有兩款考試卷:Foundation 和 Higher

  • 由於每個人都有不同的能力,因此多數學校的每科會有不同程度的組別。如果你在數學或理科的低組別,學校會為你報考 foundation paper ( 容易一些 ),但成績最高只能取得 grade 4-5 或 grade C。Higher 的考試卷適用於想達到 grade 4 或 grade C 以上的學生。

如果你想在 Sixth form ( A-level ) 修讀數學或理科,你 GCSE 至少需要達到 grade 6 或 grade C 以上要求。


GCSE Maths and Science

There are two tiers: Foundation and Higher exam paper:

  • As everyone has different abilities, therefore most schools will have different level of sets. For those in the lower maths or science set, the school may enter you for a foundation GCSE paper where the highest grade that can be achieved is 4-5. The higher paper is for students aiming to achieve grade 4 to 9.

If you want to take maths or science at A-level, you will need at least GCSE grade 6 or higher.

GCSE English

GCSE 英文分為兩科:

  • GCSE English Language: 專注於閱讀寫作口語和聆聽

  • GCSE English Literature (文學): 專注於對詩和莎士比亞戲劇的知識和理解

英文 GCSE 沒有分 foundation 和 higher 的考試卷。

GCSE English is split into two:

  • GCSE English Language: focuses on reading, writing, speaking and listening skills

  • GCSE English Literature: focuses on developing knowledge and understanding of poetry and Shakespeare plays

There is no foundation or higher paper for either GCSE exams.



Other compulsory lessons

以下是一些必修課,你必須在 Year 10 和 Year 11 繼續上這些課程(取決於你的學校):

  • ICT 電腦堂

  • Physical Education (PE) 體育

  • Religious studies 宗教

  • Personal and Social education (PSE) 個人和社會教育

你也可以選擇以上的頭三科作為 GCSE 課程。

Here are some subjects that are compulsory and you will have to continue in Year 10 and 11 (depending on your school):

  • ICT

  • Physical Education

  • Religious studies

  • Personal and Social education (PSE)

You can also choose to study the first three subjects as your GCSE.


其他 GCSE 選項

Other GCSE options


  • 現代外語:法文德文或西班牙文(某些學校提供普通話或俄文)

  • 人文科目:歷史宗教地理社會學 等等

  • 藝術科目:音樂戲劇藝術媒體舞蹈紡織 等等

  • Technical 科目:Food Technology, Computer Science, Design and Technology, Digital Technology, ICT


You will have options to choose 4-5 more subjects and some schools will need you to take:

  • A modern foreign language: French, German or Spanish (some schools offer Mandarin or Russian)

  • A humanity subject: History, Religious Studies, Geography, Sociology

  • An arts subject: Music, Drama, Art, Media Studies, Dance, textile

  • A technical subject: Food Technology, Computer Science, Design and Technology, Digital Technology, ICT

Different schools will offer a different range of GCSE subjects so please check with your school.

  • 如果你計劃在 Sixth Form (A-level) 選修哪一科,應需要查詢入讀的要求,以確保你順利入讀。

  • 某些 A-level 的科目不需要你曾在 GCSE 讀過也可以選修,例如 經濟、心理學、 法律、商業 等等。

  • If you are planning on studying a subject at A-level it is worth checking what requirements you need.

  • Some A-level options doesn’t require you to have studied them at GCSE first. For example, economics, psychology, law, business studies etc.


繁體中文和廣東話 GCSE

GCSE Traditional Chinese and Cantonese

如果你想用繁體中文和廣東話作為你 GCSE 的外語,應該聯絡你的學校為你報考這個試 ( 公校及私校都需要收取費用 )。Pearson Edexcel 是唯一提供廣東話 GCSE 的考試局。


因為英國的 GCSE 繁體中文試是非常淺易,因此最好在未開始 GCSE 課程前 (Year 8 或 Year 9) 完成繁體中文試。

If you want to take Traditional Chinese and Cantonese GCSE as your foreign language, you should contact your school to organise a GCSE examination for you (will need to pay a fee for both state and private schools). Pearson Edexcel is the only exam board that offers Cantonese GCSE.

Normal state/private schools will not have Cantonese or traditional Chinese lessons, most students would attend lessons at a Chinese school or self-taught at home.

As the traditional Chinese and Cantonese GCSE exam is very easy, thus it is best to complete the exam before the start of GCSE courses. Many would take the exam in Year 8 or Year 9.



The Main Exam Boards



Different schools will use different exam boards, the main ones are:

  1. Pearson Edexcel

  2. AQA

  3. OCR

  4. Eduqas

  5. WJEC (Wales 威爾斯)

  6. CCEA (Northern Ireland 北愛爾蘭)


GCSE 考試什麼時候舉行?

When does the exams take place?

英格蘭:所有考試都在 Year 11課程結束時進行。

威爾斯和北愛爾蘭:有些考試是在課程結束時進行的,但有些科是分開單元(unit) 來考。學生只能每科單元(unit) 重考一次 (重考要收取費用) 。

England: All exams are taken at the end of the course Year 11.

Wales and Northern Ireland: Some exams taken at the end of the course but some are modular. Students can only retake each unit once in modular GCSEs (a small fee may be charged).



GCSE Grading


The New GCSEs Grading for England

以下兩個考試局仍在使用舊的評分系統A *- G:

  1. WJEC 威爾斯的考試局

  2. CCEA 北愛爾蘭的考試局 - 新設了一個 grade C *,學生會獲得更少A *

These two exam boards are still using the old grading system A* - G :

  1. WJEC (Wales)

  2. CCEA (Northern Ireland) – there is a new C* grade and students will receive less A*


過去的 GCSE 試卷

GCSE Past Papers

BBC bitesize is another great GCSE revision website


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