Mar 31, 20221 min復活節同樂日 in KentFree activities! 免費活動 ! 請自行安排交通前往活動場地。希望這次活動可以讓香港朋友認識當地復活節氣氛以及結交新朋友。名額有限,先到先得。
Nov 11, 20205 minCheshunt, Hertfordshire (赫福郡)Cheshunt是一個歷史古鎮位於倫敦北面約17英里的赫福郡。Cheshunt is a historic town located in Hertfordshire 17miles north of central London.
Oct 29, 20203 min布里斯托通勤城鎮 Bristol Commuter Towns 布里斯托是英格蘭西南部最大的城市,估計人口為 463,400(資料來源:2020年9月人口普查數據),並且它是英國十一個“核心城市”之一。Bristol is the largest city in the South West of England with an estima
Oct 17, 20204 minSlough (斯勞), Berkshire (伯克郡)斯勞(Slough)是一個多元文化的小鎮,位於英格蘭東南部的伯克郡。Slough is a culturally diverse town located in Berkshire, South East England.
Aug 4, 20205 min倫敦通勤城鎮 London Commuter Towns What are commuter towns? 什麼是通勤城鎮? Commuter towns are populated primarily residential area. People living in commuter towns usually...