5 至 15 歲的兒童購買英國大部分火車票可享受半價優惠。
如果你小朋友是 4 歲或以下,他們可以在父母或監護人的陪同下免費乘火車。
Children aged 5 to 15 years old will get 50% off for most train tickets across the UK.
If your child is 4 or under, they can travel for free with a fare paying parent or guardian.
英國的火車費出名貴,但如果你購買正確的 Railcard,你和你的家人可以節省超過 £100 。
Train tickets in the UK are expensive, but if you purchase the right railcard, you could save more than £100s for you and your family.
買 Railcard 後,還需要購買有折扣的火車票並必需全程攜帶你的 Railcard。
After purchasing your railcard, you will also need to buy your train ticket at a discount price and carry your railcard with you throughout your journey.
英國不同種類的 Railcards
Different types of railcards in the UK

16-17 Saver
適合 16 和 17 歲
價錢:一年 £30
優惠:可享受半價優惠 on Standard Anytime, Off-Peak, Advance and Season tickets
除了 ScotRail、歐洲之星和 Caledonian Sleeper 服務外,你可在國家鐵路網絡 (National Rail network) 使用 16-17 saver Railcard。
Eligible for 16 and 17 years old
Price: £30 annually
Benefits: 50% off Standard Anytime, Off-Peak, Advance and Season tickets
You can use 16-17 saver to travel across the National Rail network, except on ScotRail, Eurostar and Caledonian Sleeper services.

你可以在網上購買並下載 16-17 saver railcard 到你的智能手機上。
You can purchase online and download your 16-17 saver onto your smart phone.
如果你住在蘇格蘭,請查看 Young Scot 卡。
If you live in Scotland, please check out the Young Scot card.
16-25 Railcard
適合 16 至 25 歲 或 26歲以上的全日制學生
價錢:一年 £30 或 3 年 £70 (只能在 24 歲生日前買)
優惠:可節省 1/3 火車費 和 節省 1/3 倫敦地鐵和 Docklands Light Railway 的非繁忙單程票
( 你需要將你的 railcard link去你張 Oyster card 裏 )
Eligible for 16 and 25 years old or mature full-time students
Price: £30 annually or £70 for 3-year (can only buy before your 24th birthday)
Benefits: 1/3 off rail fares and save 1/3 on single off-peak pay as you go fares on London Underground and Docklands Light Railway services.
(You will need to link your railcard with your oyster card in order to enjoy the discount)
Minimum Fares & Time Restrictions
星期一至五 10:00 之前買的火車票均需超過 £12 才有資格獲得優惠。
如果買預早的飛(advance fares)、在公眾假期或 7月和8月就不設最低消費。
A minimum fare of £12 applies to all journeys made before 10:00 Monday to Friday
The minimum fare does not apply to Advance fares, travel on public holidays or in July and August.
你可以在網上購買並下載 16 - 25 railcard 到你的智能手機上。
You can purchase online and download your 16-25 railcard onto your smart phone.
26-30 Railcard
適合 26 至 30 歲
價錢:一年 £30
優惠:可節省 1/3 火車費 和 節省 1/3 倫敦地鐵和 Docklands Light Railway 的非繁忙單程票
( 你需要將你的 railcard link去你張 Oyster card 裏 )
Eligible for 26 and 30 years old
Price: £30 annually
Benefits: 1/3 off rail fares and save 1/3 on single off-peak pay as you go fares on London Underground and Docklands Light Railway services.
(You will need to link your railcard with your oyster card in order to enjoy the discount)

Minimum Fares & Time Restrictions
星期一至五 10:00 之前買的火車票均需超過 £12 才有資格獲得優惠。
如果買預早的飛 (advance fares)、在公眾假期或 7月和8月就不設最低消費。
A minimum fare of £12 applies to all journeys made before 10:00 Monday to Friday
The minimum fare does not apply to Advance fares, travel on public holidays or in July and August.
你可以在網上購買並下載 26 - 30 railcard 到你的智能手機上。
You can purchase online and download your 26-30 saver onto your smart phone.
Disabled Persons Railcard
價錢:一年 £20 或 3 年 £54
優惠:為你和旅伴提供 1/3 折扣
(你可以在任何時間使用 Railcard)
Price: £20 annually or £54 for 3-year
Benefits: 1/3 off rail travel for you and a friend or travel companion.
(You can use the Railcard at any time of the day.)
可查閱你是否有資格符合申請傷殘人士的 Railcard
Check if you are eligible for this Disabled Persons Railcard
Family & Friends Railcard
價錢:一年 £30 或 3 年 £70
優惠:最多 4 名成人可享受節省 1/3 火車費和最多可攜帶 4 名 5 至 15 歲的兒童享受 60% 的折扣。另外,一張卡上可有兩名成年人的名字。
Railcard 持有人必須與小朋友 (5 至 15 歲) 一起乘搭火車才能使用
如果有時不帶孩子出街,可考慮購買 Network Railcard
如果你小朋友在你的一年 Railcard 到期前已年滿16歲,只要該卡仍然有效,他們就可以繼續享受優惠
如果你小朋友在你的三年 Railcard 到期前已年滿16歲,只要該卡仍然有效,他們就可以繼續享受優惠直到他們年滿 17 歲的前一天
Price: £30 annually or £70 for 3-years
Benefits: 1/3 off rail fares for up to 4 adults and 60% off for up to 4 kids between 5 and 15. Plus you can have two adults named on one card.
Railcard holder must travel with a child for discount to apply
If you don't plan on travelling with your child all the time, you could consider buying Network Railcard.
If your kids turns 16 before your 1-year railcard expires, they can continue travel at the discounted child fare as long as the card is still vaild.
If your kids turns 16 before your 3-years railcard expires, they can continue travel at the discounted child fare until the day before they turn 17.
Time Restrictions
Family and Friends Railcard 不適用於在早上繁忙時段在倫敦和東南地區的兩個車站之間使用
Family and Friends Railcard is NOT valid when travelling between two stations inside London and the South East area during morning peak time.
Morning peak time restriction does NOT apply on public holidays
更多詳細信息有關“何時可以使用 Family and Friends Railcard?”,請到此網站查閱
For more details on 'When can I use my Railcard?', please visit this website. https://www.familyandfriends-railcard.co.uk/about-railcard/travel-times-tickets/
Network Railcard
價錢:一年 £30
優惠:最多 4 名成人可享受節省 1/3 火車費和最多可攜帶 4 名 5 至 15 歲的兒童享受 60% 的折扣。另外,一張卡上只可有一名成年人的名字。無需攜帶你的孩子即可享受1/3折扣。
此 Network Railcard 僅在倫敦和英格蘭東南部地區有效使用
不適用於在早上10 點前的繁忙時段 (星期一至五)
星期一至五最低消費 £13 才有資格獲得優惠
Eligible for above 16 years old
Price: £30 annually
Benefits: 1/3 off rail fares for up to 4 adults and 60% off for up to 4 kids between 5 and 15. You can only have one adult named on one card. Don't have to bring your child with you for the discount fares.
This Network Railcard is only vaild in London and the South East England area only.
Network Railcard is NOT valid when travelling during morning peak time before 10am Monday to Friday.
Minimum fares of £13 apply for all journeys Monday to Friday
有關 Network Railcard 折扣的更多詳細信息,請到此網站查閱
For more details on the discounts, please visit this website.
Senior Railcard
價錢:一年 £30 或 3 年 £70
優惠:節省 1/3 火車費 (包括 Caledonian Sleeper, Oyster Off-Peak pay as you go, Railair)
Eligible for aged 60 and above
Price: £30 annually or £70 for 3 years
Benefits: 1/3 off rail fares (including Caledonian Sleeper, Oyster Off-Peak pay as you go, Railair)
Time Restrictions
Senior Railcard 不適用於在早上繁忙時段在倫敦和東南地區的兩個車站之間使用
Senior Railcard is NOT valid when travelling between two stations inside London and the South East area during morning peak time.
Morning peak time restriction does NOT apply on public holidays
可以在車站或網上購買你的 Senior Railcard
You can purchase your railcard at the station or online
有關 Senior Railcard 折扣的更多詳細信息,請到此網站查閱
For more details on the discounts, please visit this website.
Two Together Railcard
價錢:一年 £30
優惠:兩名持卡人必須一起乘搭火車才能享受 1/3 的火車折扣
Eligible for above 16 years old
Price: £30 annually
Benefits: Two named cardholders must travel together for the discount 1/3 off rail fares
Time Restrictions
It is NOT valid when travelling during morning peak time Monday to Friday.
可以在車站或網上購買你的 Railcard
You can purchase your railcard at the station or online
有關 Two Together Railcard 折扣的更多詳細信息,請到此網站查閱
For more details on the discounts, please visit this website.
Veterans Railcard
退伍軍人 Railcard
價錢:一年 £30 或 3 年 £70
優惠:享受 1/3 火車折扣
Eligible for those who served for at least one day or more in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces (Regular or Reserve). Merchant Mariners who have seen duty on legally defined military operations are also eligible.
Price: £30 annually or £70 for 3 years
Benefits: 1/3 off rail fares
有關 Veterans Railcard 折扣的更多詳細信息,請到此網站查閱
For more details on the discounts, please visit this website.