After careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to cancel 😭our Christmas party. The good news is that we will host an Easter and Mother's day theme event next year. Keep an eye out of the new invitation next year. Thank you to those who have signed up to our event!
經過深思熟慮,我們作出了艱難的決定要取消我們的聖誕聯歡會😭。好消息是我們明年將舉辦復活節和母親節主題的活動。請留意明年 我們的邀請。感謝報名參加支持我們活動的大家!
羅徹斯特作為查理斯·狄更斯最喜歡的地方,他創作了許多著名的小說,包括《孤雛淚》和 《小氣財神》。我們有各種攤位遊戲一家大細可以參與和好味的聖誕美食! 聯歡會結束後,大家可以去遊覽 Rochester Castle Ground 的聖誕市集!
Come and celebrate Christmas with us! Rochester as a favourite place of Charles Dickens who wrote many famous novels including Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol.
There will be Christmas games and refreshments which would be great for a family day out. After the party, you can go and visit the wonderful Rochester Castle Ground Christmas Market!
報名 Sign Up: https://forms.gle/pRkUQjTfm7W1TJxeA
日期: 星期六 2023年 12 月 9 日
時間: 英國下午 1 點至 3 點
地點:Rochester Baptist Church, 8 Crow Lane, Rochester, Kent, ME1 1RF
Date: Saturday, 9th December 2023
Time: 1pm - 3pm (GMT)
Location: Rochester Baptist Church, 8 Crow Lane, Rochester, Kent, ME1 1RF
Terms and Condition 條款:
If you registered and are no longer unable to attend, you must notify two days in advance so we can allocate the space to those on the waiting list. Failing to do so will affect your eligibility to attend future events.
如有任何問題, 可以直接聯絡我們:
Any queries, please contact us via: christmas@hkbrits.com
HKBrits英國新家鄉 與 Citizen Advice North and West Kent (CANWK) 合作
由英國政府部門 Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities 贊助
HKBrits working in partnership with Citizen Advice North and West Kent
Sponsored by Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities