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2022 年6月份 免費活動 June 2022 Free Events

Canterbury Trip 坎特伯雷之旅 - Walking Tour & Punting 導賞團和坐船

日期: 星期六 2022年 6月18日

Date: Saturday, 18th June 2022

🔗 透過此連結報名和了解詳情 Register here to attend the trip:

一齊去 Canterbury, Kent 了解英國的歷史!

Let's go to Canterbury in Kent to learn about British History!

坎特伯雷是肯特郡唯一的城市。 這座城市最初是鐵器時代的定居點,後來被羅馬人接管。 當我們進入中世紀時期,著名的坎特伯雷大教堂建於公元 597 年,並深受朝聖者的歡迎。 現時,坎特伯雷有兩所大學和現代化的購物中心。 這次旅行將讓我們了解坎特伯雷的歷史,並通過導賞團和坐船去探索這座美麗的城市!

Canterbury is the only city in the Kent County. The city started as an Iron Age settlement and was taken over by the Romans. As we enter into the Medieval period, the famous Canterbury Cathedral was built in 597AD and popular to pilgrims. Nowadays, Canterbury has 2 universities with modern shopping centres. This trip will allow us to learn the history of Canterbury and explore this beautiful city through the walking tour and punting!

日期:星期六 2022年 6月18日

時間:早上 (時間待定)

📍地點:肯特郡坎特伯雷 (集合點待定)


免費活動 : 坎特伯雷導賞團(只限英文)和坐船

導賞團 - 將會由當地導遊帶領90分鐘的導賞團

您可以選擇其中一項活動或參與兩項活動 (導賞團和坐船)。


如有任何問或加入等候名單, 可以直接聯絡我們:

HKBrits英國新家鄉 與 Citizen Advice North and West Kent (CANWK) 合作

由英國政府部門 Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities 贊助


Date: Saturday, 18th June 2022

Time: Morning

📍Location: Canterbury, Kent

(Time and Meeting Point TBC)

Please make your own transport arrangement to the meeting point.

Free activities includes: Guided Tour of Canterbury (English only) and Punting.

Guided tour - will be a 90 minutes tour and guided by local expert.

You can choose either activities or both activities (guided tour and punting).

Limited places, we will send an email to confirm if your application is successful.

Any queries or want to be added onto the waiting list, please contact us via:

HKBrits working in partnership with Citizen Advice North and West Kent

Sponsored by Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

肯特郡羅徹斯特城堡和狄更斯節之旅 Trip to Rochester Castle & Dickens Festival, Kent

***名額已滿 Fully Booked***

透過此連結報名 Sign Up Form :


羅徹斯特城堡建於 1127 年,作為守護麥德威河口(Medway River)的堡壘。一家大細同樂日,融入當地生活。

羅徹斯特作為查理斯·狄更斯最喜歡的地方,他創作了許多著名的小說,包括《孤雛淚》和《小氣財神》,讓我們一起來參加狄更斯節 (Dickens Festival) 吧!

Come and learn the history of Britain!

Rochester Castle was built in 1127 acting as a fortress guarding the crossing of River Medway. Let's have a family day out and integrate local lives in Rochester.

Rochester as a favourite place of Charles Dickens who wrote many famous novels including Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol. Let's us all participate the Dickens Festival as well!

日期: 星期六 2022年 6月4日

時間: 英國早上 11點

地點:Rochester, Kent (集合點 TBC)

Date: Saturday, 4th June 2022

Time: 11am (BST)

Location: Rochester, Kent (meeting point TBC)

名額 30位

Limits to 30people

名額有限, 先到先得。

Limited places, first come first served basis.

進入羅徹斯特城堡的門票是免費的。 請自行安排交通前往集合點。

Tickets to enter Rochester Castle is free. Please make your own transport arrangement to the meeting point.


Dickens Festival is free. Join after the visit to Rochester Castle.

如有任何問或加入等候名單, 可以直接聯絡我們:

Any queries or want to be added onto the waiting list, please contact us via:

HKBrits英國新家鄉 與 Citizen Advice North and West Kent (CANWK) 合作

由英國政府部門 Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities 贊助

HKBrits working in partnership with Citizen Advice North and West Kent

Sponsored by Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

移民法律資訊: BNO 簽證問答Immigration Advice sessions: BNO Visa Q&A

Hkbrits 英國新家鄉跟位於肯特郡(Kent)的Citizen Advice North and West Kent (CANWK) 一齊合作。 CANWK 是肯特郡其中一個的Citizen Advice Bureau (公民咨詢局),並提供一些免費的資訊和服務。例如,移民簽證問題、工作讀書、財政、醫療、住宿 ,工作權和福利權上的問題等等。 Hkbrits is collaborating with Citizen Advice North and West Kent (CANWK) who is one of the Citizen Advice Bureau based in Kent. Citizen Advice Bureau provides free information and help for local residents within including advices on immigration, housing, finance, education, right to work and right to benefits etc. Citizen Advice North and West Kent 將主持這些問答環節。 Citizen Advice North and West Kent will be hosting these Q&A sessions. 英國移民顧問: Indrani 和她的團隊

Immigration Adviser: Indrani and her team

Sign up or any questions you would like to ask the immigration adviser, please email: 想報名或有問題問移民顧問請聯絡我們:

Click on this date to access the session 請點擊日期進入會議

12pm - 1pm BST (British Summer Time) 英國時間

7pm - 8pm Hong Kong Time 香港時間


These sessions will not be recorded and can join anonymously.

HKBrits英國新家鄉 與 Citizen Advice North and West Kent (CANWK) 合作

由英國政府部門 Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities 贊助

HKBrits working in partnership with Citizen Advice North and West Kent

Sponsored by Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

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