Jan 29, 20213 min英國最大魚市場 Billingsgate Fish MarketBillingsgate Fish Market 是英國最大的魚市場,超過百年歷史。它位於倫敦金絲雀碼頭,有數百種海產可以批發或零售。大多數去魚市場的人都是少數民族和餐館老闆。 Billingsgate Fish Market is the largest fish marke
Nov 2, 20208 minKingston upon Thames (London Zone 6) 京士頓 (倫敦第6區)京士頓(Kingston) 是位於倫敦西南第6區(Zone 6) 的歷史名鎮。乘坐火車到倫敦市中心 (London Waterloo) 只需30分鐘。它是倫敦治安良好地區之一。Kingston is a historical town located in the South-W
Aug 4, 20205 min倫敦通勤城鎮 London Commuter Towns What are commuter towns? 什麼是通勤城鎮? Commuter towns are populated primarily residential area. People living in commuter towns usually...