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卡迪夫 (威爾斯首都) Cardiff (Capital of Wales)

撰寫 Written by Lawrence Chung

編輯 Edited by Team Hk-Brits

卡迪夫(Cardiff),威爾斯的首都,是英國的第七大城市,也是英國十一個“核心城市”之一。 2018年數據中顯示該人口達36萬。威爾斯的不同顯而易見,由威爾斯語及英語組成的路標,至威爾斯人的強烈民族自豪感(有些威爾斯人不喜歡被當成為英格蘭人)。

卡迪夫交通十分方便,與英格蘭其他城市(Bristol布里斯托,London倫敦等)很接近,到達各地僅需50分鐘(布里斯托)及2小時(倫敦)。 雖然卡迪夫比倫敦小,但住屋比較便宜,同時亦帶給你首都生活的所有特色(國家劇院,千禧球場,國會等)。兩房排屋價格由£150,000起。



威爾斯的醫療系統很像英格蘭,但最大的差別為免費藥物。卡迪夫有一些良好學校與幾間大學,卡迪夫大學 (Cardiff University) 更納入2020年《泰晤士報》高等教育排名全球首200位內。

Cardiff is the capital of Wales, the UK's 7th largest city and one of the eleven "Core Cities" in the UK. It is home to 364,200 people as of mid-2018. The difference of Wales is noticeable straight away once you set foot here. All the road signs are marked in both Welsh and English. Welsh people are also very friendly with a strong sense of national pride (some Welsh might be offended by being called English).

Cardiff has excellent transport links with other English cities like Bristol and London, taking only 50 mins and 2 hours respectively. Although Cardiff is smaller than London, it offers all the perks of living in a Capital (e.g. National Theatre, Principality Stadium, Senedd) while providing some affordable housing, for example, a 2-bedroom terraced house starting at 150,000.

Not only can Cardiff offers most popular shops that you can find in England, but it also has a great local business network e.g Cardiff market, Welsh pubs. Rugby is the national sport in Wales, so head down to a Welsh pub and feel of local atmosphere!

For nature long hikes, it is only an hour drive into the valleys. Cardiff also has a small Chinese community, with a few Chinese grocery shops spread over the city and a Chinese Catholic Church.

The Welsh healthcare system is very similar to England’s, although with one major difference, it provides free prescription medicines. Cardiff also has some very good schools and universities. Cardiff University is ranked within the top 200th in the world on the Times Higher Education as of 2020.

Hong Kong Hub - Wales Strategic Migration Partnership

香港中心 - 威爾斯移民服務部門

They will be able to help and answer any questions you have such as education and housing issues and helping you to integrate.

他們會協助解答港人來到當區的問題 (列如 住屋,學校)和幫大家融入當地的生活。

---> Hkbrits 12 UK Welcome Hub Page (coming soon!)


Transport 交通

Bus 巴士

Buses will be your main means of transportation to navigate around the city, with bus frequencies ranging from around every 15-30 minutes.

巴士將是你在城市中穿梭的主要交通工具,但來往班次不太頻密, 約15-30分鐘一班。


  • 成人單程票值 £2,「全日任坐」票為 £4

  • 小童 (5至15歲) 擁有6.5折,單程票價為 £1.30,「全日任坐」票為 £2.60

  • 該公司更擁有一個手機應用程式,當你使用來購買車票時,程式會給你額外折扣優惠

Bus fares:

  • A single adult ticket will cost you £2, whilst a day ticket costs £4

  • A youth discount (5 – 15 years old), a single ticket for youth costs £1.30, a day ticket costs £2.60

  • A mobile app is available for buying and presenting bus tickets on-the-go with extra perks like fare discounts.

Train 火車


Cardiff hosts many train stations throughout the city. Trains from central station brings you to London and Bristol quickly with comfort and convenience.

Cardiff to Bristol


  • 卡迪夫亦是HKBrits布里斯托的通勤城市之一

  • 乘坐火車前往布里斯托每程大約需時約45至50分鐘

  • Bristol is one of the nominated commuter cities

  • To Bristol by train takes about 45 - 50 minutes each way.

Prices are sought on, as of 26.11.2020

票價於 取得,26.11.2020

**Off-Peak hour: Monday to Friday 0930 – 1600 and any time after 1900

非繁忙時段: 星期一至五 0930 – 1600及1900小時以後

***Fares and peak hours may vary across different train companies


Cardiff to London


  • 火車需要2小時左右

  • 但因其價格昂貴,非繁忙時段的來回票價為 £110.80,價格可能會是阻止你隨便到倫敦遊走的原因

  • Train services usually takes about 2 hours.

  • But the price may deter you from taking a day trip as it costs £110.80 for an off-peak return!

長途巴士 Coach

How to get to Bristol on a budget?


National Express (長途巴士公司): 是英國最著名的長途巴士公司之一

  • 從卡迪夫市中心直達布里斯托市中心

  • 需時約1.5小時

  • 單程票價為£7.60


National Express: one of the most well-known coach companies in the UK

  • From Cardiff city centre straight to the heart of Bristol

  • Around 1.5 hours

  • £7.60 one way

Don’t expect to commute via coaches from Cardiff to Bristol as traffic can be unpredictable during peak hours i.e. morning times.

Airport 機場

卡迪夫有一個飛往歐洲各地的機場,但因近期Flybe 倒閉後,卡迪夫機場的航班數量比以前減少了很多。你可選擇乘坐National Express的長途巴士到達布里斯托機場,車程需要約2小時。

Cardiff has an airport that serves flights to various European destinations. Although since the closure of Flybe, Cardiff airport is now running less flights than they were before, your closest bet to travel overseas is via Bristol airport. A National Express coach can take you there in around 2 hours one-way.

Cardiff airport (卡迪夫機場):

Bristol airport (布里斯托機場):


House Prices 樓價

Average House Price 平均價 (2020年11月)


Different areas in Cardiff

  • 是城內最著名地區之一,是個環境平靜和不錯的地方,但同時亦是最昂貴的地區之一

  • is one of the most exclusive areas, quiet and nice to live, although also being one of the most expensive areas to buy


The average house price of a 2-bedroom to 4-bedroom terraced house is shown below:

*Prices obtained from Zoopla (價格由Zoopla取得) –November 2020

Splott and Grangetown
  • 都是卡迪夫內房價最低的地區之一

  • 從歷史角度上,它們都視為 「不太好」的地區,

  • 但是近幾年來因這兩地區慢慢地被「高檔化」

  • Both have one of the lowest house prices in Cardiff

  • They are historically ‘no go’ areas,

  • But this has started to change in recent years due to gentrification

以下是Splott 的排屋平均價格:

The average house price in Splott is shown below:

*Prices obtained from Zoopla (價格由Zoopla取得) – November 2020


Personal experience and opinions:

  • 我在Splott住了6個月,地區非常安全,儘管環境及大街不如其他區域的熱鬧。

  • Adamsdown 在Splott 旁邊,是另一個聲譽較差的地區。我個人建議盡量避免到訪該處。

  • Cathays 是大學區,由於擁有大量學生,所以夜間可能會比較有點嘈吵。如果你喜歡寧靜環境,住在大學區可能不是好選擇。

  • Heath 是另一個好地區,很多醫護人員住在該區,因為靠近威爾士大學醫院,該區亦擁有一間大型超級市場(Tesco Extra) 。

  • 卡迪夫海灣(Cardiff Bay)是另一個可考慮的住宅地區。它鄰近海邊,安全寧靜。並擁有較多高層建築,現代感十足。

  • Canton位於Pontcanna旁邊,在中心大街佈滿了商店,餐廳及酒吧。華人天主教教會也在這區,中國超市及中餐館也能在此找到。與Pontcanna相比,Canton的住房選擇相對便宜。此區也與Pontcanna一樣,十分安全。

  • Personally, I have lived in Splott for 6 months, safety was excellent. Although the high street wouldn’t be as vibrant as other areas.

  • Adamsdown is next to Splott, another area with poor reputation. I would suggest avoiding that area if possible.

  • Cathays is a university area with lots of students; therefore, it can get a bit noisy at night. If you prefer some peace and quiet, living in the university area may not be a good choice.

  • Heath is another area of choice. Many healthcare professionals live there for the nearby University Hospital of Wales. There is also a Tesco Extra for your daily necessity needs.

  • Cardiff Bay is an area to consider and is next to the sea. It is not only safe and quiet, but also has many new modern high-rise buildings.

  • Canton is located next to Pontcanna, it has an excellent high street with lots of shops and bars. Canton also has a Chinese Catholic Church, Chinese supermarket and a few Chinese restaurants. When compared with Pontcanna, Canton’s houses are relatively cheaper and this area is as safe as Pontcanna.


Education 教育


  • 16歲以下學生需要學習威爾斯語

  • 政府鼓勵學校以教授威爾斯歷史為先

  • 小學學生沒有SAT測驗 (小學生的評估測驗)


Firstly, some difference vs. England:

  • Welsh language is compulsory for students up to 16-year-old

  • Schools are encouraged to prioritise Welsh history teaching

  • There are no SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests, for primary school students)

Otherwise, everything is pretty much the same as England with a compulsory education from 3 to 16-year-old. However, in 2022, state schools in Wales are changing their whole curriculum for students of all ages. Such curriculum change is only aimed to facilitate learning, therefore not much emphasis is needed.

Curriculum Change Details 課程改革詳情:

England and Wales education (英格蘭與威爾斯教育):


State Schools

Cardiff also have some good state schools for students from various backgrounds.


A list of Nurseries, primary schools and secondary schools in Cardiff:


Ninian Park primary school 小學:

  • 最新的Estyn報告把 Ninian Park 小學評為《良好》

  • 92.5%的學生在主要科目上都達到預期水準

  • Ninian Park Primary School is rated ‘good’ by the latest Estyn report

  • 92.5% of their students reached their expected grade in core subjects

Fitzalan secondary school 中學:

  • 適合11-18歲學生的中學,

  • 被Estyn評為「雙重優秀」,

  • 99%學生完成了至少2個A-Level,較全國的97.1% 為高

  • 11-18 year-old students

  • Fitzalan High School gained a ‘double-excellence’ by Estyn,

  • 99% of students achieved at least 2 A-Levels, higher than the national average of 97.1%.

私立學校 (收費)

Independent School / Private School

Cardiff Sixth Form College

Ranked 1st in the Independent School League Tables over the past ten years.


  • 寄宿和走讀

  • 15至19歲

  • 2019年,90%的學生獲得A * - A等級,99%的學生獲得A * - B等級

  • Boarding and Day

  • 15 to 19 years old

  • In 2019, 90% students received A*-A grades with 99% students achieved A*-B grades

Westbourne School

在每日電訊報的《最佳學校排名榜》列表中,Westbourne 學校連續五年排名第一。它適合3至18歲的學生,但請注意,其高中只提供IB 課程。

Westbourne school is ranked 1st for five consecutive years on the ‘Best School League Table’ from the Daily Telegraph. It is catered to students from Nursery all the way to Sixth Form, although beware that only IB is offered at their Sixth Form.

Ruthin School


Ruthin School is also one of the best private schools in Cardiff. It is ranked 5th on the ‘Top Co-Education Boarding School League Table’.



Cardiff University 卡迪夫大學

Cardiff University is ranked 191st in the “Times Global Higher Education University Ranking”. It is also one of the ‘Russell Group’ Universities.

不可忽視的卡迪夫大學在泰晤士報的《全球高等教育排名榜》內為第191位,它同時亦是羅素集團(Russell Group)大學之一。

Cardiff University Fees 學費:

  • EU/home students (英國學生): £9,000 / year 年 (2021/2022)

  • International students (國際學生): Unpublished 未有公佈 (2021/2022)

卡迪夫還有其他大學,包括卡迪夫城市大學(Cardiff Metroplian University) 及威爾斯大學 (University of Wales),它們都受到威爾斯學生的歡迎。

There are other universities in the region including Cardiff Metropolitan University and University of Wales which are also very popular amongst Welsh students.

Cardiff Metropolitan university (卡迪夫城市大學):

University of Wales (威爾斯大學):


Leisure 休閒活動


Cardiff’s largest shopping centre


Cardiff has a few touristic attractions

The Cardiff Castle: it is over 2000 years old and is located at the north of the city centre.

卡迪夫城堡 : 它有2000多年歷史,並位於市中心北部。


Cardiff market


Cardiff market is over 100 years old and it was previously housed hundreds of prisoners for more than 300 years.


Cardiff Bay


Cardiff Bay is also a lovely place to visit, with bars and restaurants surrounding it and you can enjoy a pint while looking over the best views that Cardiff offers.



卡迪夫擁有多個大型市鎮公園。主要公園包括Bute Park及Roath Park。 Bute Park 有一條主要河流,而 Roath Park 的中心則擁有大型湖畔。

Few Large parks are all over the city. The major ones include Bute Park and Roath Park. Bute Park has a major river running along it, while Roath Park has a massive lake in the middle.


National Parks

如要想進一步在大自然漫步和行山,可以從卡迪夫出發到達著名的 Brecon Beacons 國家公園。 揸車車程只需要一個小時 。

For longer nature walks or some hiking trails, the Brecon Beacons National Park in the valleys is recommended which is only an hour away from Cardiff by car.


National Theatre


Cardiff being the capital of Wales, you get the perks of being close to a National Theatre where well-known musicals like The Lion King are regularly played there.


Principality Stadium

  • 1999 年舉辦欖球世界杯

  • 威爾士欖球之家

  • 足球比賽,例如 FA Cup總決賽,奧運會比賽等

  • Hosted the Rugby World Cup in 1999

  • Home of Welsh Rugby

  • Football matches e.g. FA Cup final, Olympic matches etc.




威爾斯的NHS 醫療系統與英格蘭的大致相同。

  • 其主要區別是在威爾斯配藥時,處方藥物是免費的。

  • 英格蘭每樣處方藥物收費為 £9.15


Wales’ NHS healthcare system is very similar to the NHS healthcare system in England, with one major difference.

  • Prescription medicines are free in Wales,

  • whereas it costs £9.15 per prescribed medicine in England.

If prescriptions are required on a regular bases, then living in Wales can eliminates that worry.

List of Local General Practice (本地診所名單):

當你第一次在家庭醫生 (GP) 診所註冊時,診所會為你分配一位醫生及你的NHS 醫療編號。你只可以在最接近你家的診所註冊,因為每家診所都有特定的註冊區域限制,只接受居住在區內的市民。這是由 Postcode 決定的。

When you first register with the GP, you will be assigned with a doctor and a NHS number. You can only register with GP that is within and serve the area where you are living in. This is determined by postcode.

List of Local dentist (本地牙醫名單):

Hospitals 醫院

  • University Hospital of Wales (威爾斯大學醫院):

  • University Hospital Llandough (Llandough大學醫院):

Private hospital 私立醫院(收費):


Welsh Government 威爾斯政府

The constituency and your voting area depends on where you live.

It is divided into 5 regions:



  • Cardiff central(卡迪夫中心)

  • Cardiff north (卡迪夫北部)

  • Cardiff west (卡迪夫西部)

  • Cardiff south and Penarth (卡迪夫南部及佩納斯)

  • Pontypridd (這個不納入於卡迪夫市內)

Welsh Senedd (威爾斯國會):

Members of parliament for Cardiff central


Jo Stevens, Labour:

Members of parliament for Cardiff north


Anna McMorrin, Labour:

Members of parliament for Cardiff south and Penarth


Stephen Doughty, Labour:

Members of parliament for Cardiff west


Kevin Brennan, labour:

The Lord Mayor (市長):

Rod McKerlich

Local Councillor depends on your local area (地區議員取決於你的地區):


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