NHS (National Health Service)
Seeing a Doctor
Need to register with a General Practice (GP) Surgery.
GP Surgery will only take in patients within a certain post code area.
Search your local GP Surgery
Some GPs cannot take in new patients.
Speak to your neighbours or friends who live in the same area to see which GP they use as recommendation.
Go online and see comments about the surgery.
Some surgery might have more services than the others – do your research.
You can always switch to a different GP if you don’t like your current one.
It is free of charge to see the doctor (NHS service).
需要去家庭醫生 (General Practice, GP) 診所 (Surgery) 進行登記
GP Surgery只接受居住在區內的市民 (睇post code)
可以上網查看你附近的 GP Surgery
有些 GP Surgery 可能無法接受新的申請 (Full 咗!)
某些診所可能比其他診所提供更多的醫療服務 (要做Research!)
如果您不喜歡現在的 GP Surgery,您是可以換去另一間
在英國睇醫生是免費 (NHS 服務)
Register at a GP
Physically register at the GP surgery
With COVID-19 – fill in an online registration form GMS1
ID – BNO passport / driving licence
Proof of address – driving licence / utility bills / bank statement
NHS number – you should have this after paying the immigration health surcharge (IHS)
可以上網去診所網站進行登記 - 填寫GMS1表格 (因爲COVID-19)
需要ID – BNO護照/駕駛執照
NHS號碼 - 當你支付 immigration health surcharge 費用之後 , 你將會得到這個號碼

What to Expect From the Healthcare (NHS) in the UK?
● It is different to Hong Kong.
● Some areas might be hard to get a GP appointment, especially in high population areas.
● Different surgeries have different rules ~ often call in the morning or queue in and register at the surgery.
● If your illness is minor, then you will get to see a nurse or paramedic (they have authority to issue prescriptions if you need medicines).
● If you have a normal cold, unless you have a cold for a week or more, and you have some symptoms and the condition is worsen, the doctor will then prescribe you the medicine (unlike Hong Kong).
If you visit a GP for a normal cold,
Advise from GP is – go and drink some more water with honey and lemon
No medicine will be given to you, unless you really need it (Such as antibiotics)
Best to have some medicine at home (bring it from Hong Kong, buy some cough medicine, paracetamol, ibuprofen)
● Make your own decision – it is always worth calling you GP surgery and get advice when you feel ill.
● Your GP will write a referral if you require a specialist and you will be referred to your nearest hospital for appointments.
Depending on the size of waiting list and location, for non-urgent cases the waiting time could vary between few weeks to 18 weeks ( before Covid19 ). Unlike HK, the waiting time is 2/3 years.
For urgent cancer patients, the maximum time is 2 week.
● Some GPs can provide a different language (will need to check!)
● If you need interpretation and translation services in Cantonese – you can always let the surgery know you need this service during your appointment. The surgery has a system
which they can call for interpretation over the phone.
● 與香港有不同
● 有些地區可能唔容易預約 GP 醫生,特別是在人口稠密地區。
● 不同的 GP surgeries 有不同的規則 ~ 經常在早上打電話或排隊等候。
● 如果病情不是太嚴重,好大機會是睇護士或救護員 (如果您需要藥物,他們有權開處方)
● 如果您患了正常感冒,除非您感冒了一個星期或以上,並且出現了某些症狀而且
情況變差了 ,醫生先會開藥 (與香港不同)。
如果您去看普通的感冒 :
不會特別開藥 – 徐非真是有需要 (例如抗生素)
最好家中買定一些藥 (從香港帶回來 或 買定一些咳藥水,撲熱息痛 [Paracetamol, Panadol],布洛芬 [Ibuprofen])
● 到最後自己作出決定–如果唔舒服就打電話俾GP
● 睇專科 – GP 會寫轉介信,轉介到最近的醫院排隊睇專科
取決於輪候名單的大小和在哪個城鎮,非緊急的等待時間可能在3周到18週之間(在Covid19之前)。 與香港不同,輪候時間為2/3年。
緊急(Cancer) 的等待時間最耐兩週。
● 有一些GP Surgery可以提供翻譯 (需要向GP Surgery 查詢)
● 如果您需要廣東話的翻譯服務,您可以在預先通知 GP Surgery。他們有一個
NHS~ Walk-In Centre
If your GP is unavailable, there is the Walk-In centre:
The Walk-In centre will be called Urgent treatment centre from autumn 2020, can be used to treat minor illnesses and injuries.
It is often managed by nurses but some centre do have access to doctors.
They're open early till late, and most are open 365 days a year and offer advice and treatment without the need for an appointment.
如果您不能預約你的GP,有一個 Walk-In centre:
Walk-In centre 將從2020年秋季開始稱為緊急治療中心 (Urgent Treatment Centre), 可用於治療輕微疾病和傷患。
Find your nearest Walk In centre:
尋找您最近的 Walk In centre:
More information on when to visit a Walk-In centre:
有關何時訪問 Walk-In centre 的更多信息:
NHS 111
● This is free for non-emergency conditions – Call 111
● You can use this service when:
During out of hours when your surgery is closed (evening / weekends)
If you haven’t registered with a GP yet and need medical help
During the day when you are not close to your GP
● NHS 111 will connect to the call centre in your area.
● They can arrange appointments in hospitals for you to see doctors or send paramedics.
● 非緊急情況 – 致電111 (免費)
● 您可以在以下情況下使用NHS 111:
GP Surgery 休息 (晚上/週末)
如果您還未去 GP Surgery登記並需要睇醫生
您不在您的GP Surgery附近 (e.g. 去了另一個地區)
● NHS 111將連接到您所在地區的呼叫中心
● 他們可以安排您去醫院/診所睇醫生
Call 999
A&E – free of charge (NHS service)
急症室 (A&E) – 免費 (NHS服務)
● You will need to pay for medicines in England, which is different to Hong Kong. However, the NHS prescriptions in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are free!
● Some medicines can be purchased over the counter (not controlled).
Sometimes it is cheaper to purchase them from the pharmacy directly rather than using a prescription.
Always ask the pharmacist if you can purchase the medicine without prescription. Examples: eye drops, paracetamol, ibuprofen
● 英格蘭與香港不同,您需要支付藥費。蘇格蘭、威爾斯和北愛爾蘭的NHS藥物是免費的。
● 有一些藥品可以直接跟藥房買 [over the counter] (不需要醫生開)
有時直接跟藥房買會比用NHS prescription 處方價錢更便宜 (e.g. 眼藥水,撲熱息痛 [Paracetamol, Panadol],布洛芬 [Ibuprofen])
要有醫生處方的藥物 (e.g. 抗生素)
● Some are prescription medicines (e.g. antibiotics)
£9.35 per item
● 買處方藥物 = 每樣£9.35
(price in April 2021)
If you need medicine regularly (e.g. every month):
Consider purchasing an NHS prescription prepayment certificate (PPC) .
You get an unlimited number of prescriptions.
£30.25 for 3 months (price in April 2021)
£108.10 for 12 months (or 10 Direct Debit instalments of £10.81) (price in April 2021)
You show your certificate at the pharmacy counter when they ask you whether you need to pay for your prescription
If you don’t have your PPC yet but planning to get one / hasn’t arrived yet – ask the pharmacist for the FP57 form (NHS refund form) !
■ Pay for the prescription first
■ When your PPC arrives – bring this FP57 form to get your money back
■ You must do this at the time you collect and pay for your prescription!
■ You must claim your refund within 3 months of your paying.
如果你時常需要買藥 (例如每月)
可以考慮購買 NHS prescription prepayment certificate (PPC)
£30.25 – 3個月 (價錢04/2021)
£108.10 – 12個月 (分期10個月付款 – 每個月£10.81) (價錢04/2021)
■ 首先支付處方費用
■ 您必須在付錢時問藥劑師拿FP57表格
■ 當您收到您的PPC時,請帶你的FP57表格一齊去藥房取回您的錢
■ 您必須3個月內申請退款
Some people get free prescription:
are 60 or over
are under 16
are 16 - 18 and in full-time education
are over 18 and in full-time education (need to fill in the HC2 form)
are pregnant or have had a baby in the previous 12 months and have a valid maternity exemption certificate (MatEx)
have a specified medical condition and have a valid medical exemption certificate (MedEx)
have a continuing physical disability that prevents you going out without help from another person and have a valid medical exemption certificate (MedEx)
hold a valid war pension exemption certificate and the prescription is for your accepted disability
are an NHS inpatient
Apply for a Medical exemption certificate (MedEx) –
ask doctor for a FP92A form
Medical Conditions eligible for MedEx
某些病人可以申請醫療豁免證書 Medical Exemption Certificate (MedEx)
殘疾人士可以申請 Medical Exemption Certificate (MedEx)
War pension exemption certificate (退役軍人)
NHS 住院病人
如何申請醫療豁免證書Medical Exemption Certificate (MedEx)
● You can register with any dental surgery (not post code restricted).
● For NHS service – you need to wait for the list to open at the dental surgery
The list can be long, and you might not be able to get NHS service
Find another dental surgery instead
● You can register as a private patient – cost will be more expensive than NHS charges
NHS dental charges
○ Emergency dental treatment - £23.80
○ Band 1 course treatment - £23.80
○ Band 2 course treatment - £65.20
○ Band 3 course treatment - £282.80
(Price in April 2021)
● Emergency dental treatment – emergency dental care in NHS dental practice/ hospital
such as pain relief and temporary filling
If you don’t have a dentist – call NHS 111
NHS 111 will refer you to your local NHS emergency service to book an appointment at a hospital
● 您可以去任何牙醫診所進行登記 (不受Post Code限制)
● NHS服務 – 每間牙醫診所都有一個NHS 病人的配額 (quota)
● 有時候配額已經滿了– 您可能無法獲得NHS服務
● 可以選擇另一間牙科診所
● 您亦可以作為一個私家病人 (private patient) – 費用將比NHS費用高
NHS– 牙科收費
急症 – £23.80
Band 1 治療 – £23.80
Band 2 治療 – £65.20
Band 3治療 – £282.80
● 急症 – 去NHS牙科診所/醫院 – 例如止痛和臨時補牙
如果您沒有牙醫,請致電NHS 111
NHS 111將轉介你到你地區的NHS緊急服務部門以預約緊急牙科服務
Our co-founders Sunny and Alex have shared their experience in seeing emergency dentist in the UK on HongKonger Station "UK Night Snack" show.
我們的聯合創辦人Sunny和Alex在香港台 "英與你宵夜"分享了在英國看急症牙醫的經驗。
(Go to 28:16 , 去 28:16)
Band 1 – examination (including x-rays), advices on preventing future problem, scale and polish if clinically needed, preventative care (e.g. fluoride varnish or fissure sealant if appropriate)
Band 2- covers everything listed in Band 1 + any further treatment such as fillings, root canal work or remove of teeth but not more complex items covered by Band 3
Band 3 – covers everything listed in Band 1 and 2 + crowns, dentures, bridges and other laboratory work
Band 1 治療 – 檢查 (包括照X-Ray),洗牙 (如果需要)
Band 2 治療 – 包括 Band 1 治療 + 補牙拔牙,但不包括 Band 3 裏面的治療
Band 3 治療 – 包括 Band 1 和 Band 2治療 + 製造牙套,假牙
● The dental treatment plan (NHS)~ NHS牙科治療計劃
● You will not be charged for individual items within an NHS course of treatment.
Depending on what you need to have done, you should only ever be asked to pay one
charge for each completed course of treatment, even if you need to visit your dentist
more than once to finish it.
● 在用NHS的治療過程中, 每項療程只需收一次錢。 即使您需要多次拜訪牙醫
才能完成治療,也只應要求您支付一次錢 (每個療程) 。
Free dental treatments for:
Under 18 years old,
Under 19 and in full time,
Low income (includes university students, fill in HC2 form)
More information please visit the NHS website:
更多信息,請訪問NHS網站 :
Orthodontic Treatment
Free NHS orthodontic treatment for under 18 years old.
If you want NHS orthodontic treatment – speak to your own dentist and you can be put on the waiting list
You will need to qualify for NHS treatment if your teeth meet the NHS’s requirement
您需要符合NHS的要求 ,才可以獲得NHS治療的資格
Otherwise - Private treatment
Fees range from £2000 to £6000
Our co-founders Sunny and Alex have shared their experience and information about orthodontic treatment in the UK on HongKonger Station "UK Night Snack" show.
我們的聯合創辦人Sunny和Alex在香港台 "英與你宵夜"分享了在英國看箍牙醫生的經驗和資訊。
(Go to 2:24:06 , 去 2:24:06 )
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